The LabAnalyzer is the perfect solution for quantitatively determining mercury in aqueous samples and sample digests in the laboratory.
In contrast to a typical multi-element AAS, the LabAnalyzer 254 is specially designed for elemental mercury. This allows top performance in analytical applications. Using a specially developed highly stable mercury lamp in connection with thermostat-controlled UV sensors results in a detection limit of a few ppt of mercury.
Categories: Envea, Quantitative determination of mercury
Features & Benefits
- the optical system does not require any readjustment
- Short analysis time
- Low reagent consumption
- Automatic zero adjustment
- Memory effects are minimized and high sample throughput is possible thanks to specially selected materials for sample gas conducting components and heating of the optical bench.
- For analyses according to DIN 38406-12 / EPA 7470A / EPA 7471A)
- Measuring range : 0.01 ppb … 10 ppb (10 ng/l to 10 µg/l)
- Hg trap: Mercury vapors cannot escape into the lab
- Upgradable to VM-3000 Mercury Vapor Monitor
Main Applications
- Water samples: drinking water, wastewater, groundwater, surface water, seawater
- Soil and sludge samples
- Geological sample material
- Waste samples: glass, construction rumbles, contaminated liquids, wood
- Incineration plant monitoring: smoke, gas scrubber water, smoke, gas analysis (e.g. to VDI 3868-2 VE)
- Monitoring of foodstuffs
- Clinical samples: urine, saliva
- Chemical industry: environmental protection and quality control
- Petrochemical industry
- Scientific research